Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Children of Men

First week into my un-official holiday, and it has been pretty uneventful, save for one film - Children of Men. It's a shocker! Not your everyday action/love/comedy/fiction film. The show portrays a future where all women are infertile, and as a result, there are no newborns, and humankind is slowly dying off. England has become a new form of Nazi idealist, gathering and deporting foreigners of non-British decent. There are scenes that are so horrifying, that the portrayals are like modern Nazi concentration camps, and the conditions are terrible. Makes you wonder how Jews actually survived the Holocaust. All in all, a very captivating movie (unlike my unfortunate movie-mate, who couldn't stomach the movie, due to also the filmotography shakey shots) . You have been warned, be expected to be shocked.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

On to the modern battlefield

What do you do when you have complete 3 years of design, finished all the submissions, did every model, drawing, sketch, layout that you could possibly do, and now you have a one month break between now till your last exam paper? Go out and buy a new game to play! =D

Just bought the latest release of EA games Battlefield series. Introducing Battlefield 2142, where the war for the only survivable land due to a winter frost over the world has forced two opposing forces to fight till the last survivor. Equipped with the latest modern warfare weaponry, this game will sure to keep me up for nights. Built from a similiar engine for Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142 maintains the Ranking system that allows players to move up in ranks with online play, and with unlockable items, making the game one of the most interesting ones ever. Well, i'm off to play. Laters!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Why we love being Young

Here's some revisits of my first few photoshoots, and what better way than to also introduce my models as I go along. First off, we have Jess Young. A wonderful young lady who has an amazing voice. She even won 2nd runner up at the Miss Chinese International. I'm very happy that she has believed in my work, and has continued to work with. Hopefully, we'll get some new shots done in November.

Here's one of the first few shots from my very 2nd photoshoot. Was trying to emulate a shot of Heidi Klum from Four Inches. Amazing book. Just as Heidi has amazing legs, so does Jess. Just fell in love with them.

These next two shots were done during a second photoshoot. I still had yet to have proper lights, so was playing around with flood lights and speedlights. Still glad that I could get some shots out of them. Well, I'm just waiting for our next photoshoot, to do justice to her beauty, seeing now that I have improved lots and have better equipment. Hope you'll enjoy them for now. Till laters.

The Night of the Living Dead

FINALLY! submissions, assignments, models, drawings, posters, layouts... everything's finished! phew. Now i just gotta get back my 72 hours of sleep... *yawn*. some pictures soon of my finished project, and maybe some new photoshoots. laters!

Sunday, October 22, 2006


1 week of zombiness over, another to go. I'm struggling everynight up till 5 in the morning. trying to get as much done as possible for my final presentation and submission for design. So far, al the drawings are coming along alright. Now all I need to do, is a 3d model, and a physical model, and get my final layout done for printing.

Here's some photos I took after lunch, coz my friend wanted some pics of them. Their just fluorescent lighting in Melbourne Central, which used to be pretty bright when all of them were bare white, but now, are pretty dark because their covered in red wrappings.

and here's... A GIANT BALL OF JEANS! hahaha. calvin klein jeans just opened in Melbourne Central, so to kick it off, they had a BIG ball of jeans. Guess you can just do about anything with jeans.

Well back to another long night. Have fun.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Working with models

Models. Thats an interesting word in my life, where it sits between two parts of my mind. One with architecture, where one of my main activities is creating models. Another, is with my fashion photography.

By now, (if anyone's reading this), you should have known that I dwell quite a bit with photography. Over the recent year, I have developed an interest in fashion photography, which is by no easy means, as most people think.
"No I'm not colourblind, I know the world is black and white" - John Mayer

Fashion photography not only requires the eye for creating an image, it is also the love for fashion, for art, for creativity, and also meeting and working with new people all the time.

I'm so blessed to have worked with some wonderful ladies, and will definitely look forward to developing my work, and working with them again in the future.

I hope these shots will tempt you of what is to come, as I grow in life, in photography, in everything. More shots to come, very soon, after all my submissions for my other door. If any models or people in the fashion scene is watching this, please do not hesitate to contact me for any information or shooting oppurtunities. Till the next photoshoot.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Well I wanted to introduce my fashion photography work, but I unfortunately just finished this model after 4 days of work, finishing up at 4am in the morning. So I might as well just post the finished model. Guess fashion photography has to wait for another day...

Anywayz, this is a 1:5 section model of a design of my own, for a small art gallery. It's... HUGE. I just hope it doesn't crash on the way to uni. Well, time to catch some sleep. Nite

Monday, October 16, 2006

The built environment

Now we come to my career path, which has expanded on my view of design and philosophy. Here are some of my early works which I took when I started out in Architecture. The beauty of the centrifugal force that ties in the visual focus.

Here are some of latest work after developing in my photography. These show the beauty of the vertical linear visual that buildings have, drawing attention to the skys, towards the Heavens. Photos taken in the University of Melbourne. Here's a design I am working on for uni. It is a design for a Knowledge Transfer building for the University, trying to create a gateway for the city into the university. It is a minimalistic box, with a simple cut through at an angle, to make the building a gateway itself. When sectioned, it can be viewed as two seperate towers, one being the University component, and one being the City. In between these two elements is a conduit, where the transfer of people, sound, light, and ultimately, knowledge, takes place, and brings life to the building, to its meaning, to its purpose.

Back to finishing submissions. Two more weeks till everything is done.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Lets see what's behind Door number...

Introducing the musical instruments stored behind door number 3. I've been exposed to music very early in my life, and thus can play a variety of musical instruments. I play the guitar, violin, piano, and the drums. Sorry I don't have a photo of drums, because I don't own one. Only those three things above =) All photos courtesy of me.

I don't play my instruments as much as I would want to, as I have so many other things on my hands. But I try to play the guitar when possible, as it is the easiest for me to play around with.

Lets hope I can make some music soon.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The opening of the doors

Hello virtual world, where the multiple doors of my mind will open to. After much persuasion, I thought I'd might give it a go, and try to maintain a blog. Let me give you a quick overview of the doors to my mind

ARCHITECTURE - the primary door that is shaping the path of my career at the moment

PHOTOGRAPHY - the fashion side of my creative mind, that lets me create art with every click

MUSIC - the small musical monkey at the back of my mind, with my multiple instruments stored within it

I am sure as months go along, and if I still maintain this blog, more doors will slowly come forward to be explored, but as of this moment, these are the three main doors that I will show you in. More updates soon with my work from all these doors.

Thank you for participating in this birth.